Nutrition planning and coaching

Precision Nutrition Level 1, Certified in nutrition and coaching

If you are looking to improve your health in ways beyond just fitness I am excited to help!

“Deep Health” coaching is a whole person, whole life approach to health that includes not only your physical health but also mental, emotional, existential, relational-social and environmental health. Coaching to help you transform short-term fitness goals into life-changing results!

whether you are:

-starting from scratch and need help with meal planning/prepping, nutrition advice on choosing more whole foods, and/or foods to help you feel better.
-you are looking to lose weight/gain weight
-you are looking to lean out and add muscle
-you are not sleeping well, would like more energy during the day
– you would like help with macros & finding what amount of nutrients is needed to reach your goals
– you just need a coach to help get you going/keep you going!


I am ready to help you on this health and wellness journey! We are nothing without our health…. so let’s get started!

nutrition planning


Initial Consult

$ 75 +Tax

- Initial intake form & assessment
- Phone/FaceTime/In Person 1st consult
Goal setting and we will set up a plan for to help you meet your goals in a balanced, sustainable way for lifelong results!

4 Weeks

$ 120 +Tax

-Daily google sheets data input based on your goals set in initial consult
- Once a week phone/FaceTime check ins
-Access to me via text / email throughout the week
- Meal planning / prepping ideas & help
- Exercise recommendations
- Reassessment when needed!
- Coaching support!

Lets get started!

You can also set up a Free Consultation, select a day and time that works best for you below.